
Car household imported PA2030A high-power four-channel power amplifier board tone board audio amplifier board

USD 20.22USD 21.98

Car household imported PA2030A high-power four-channel power amplifier board tone board audio amplifier board


Imported Pioneer PA2030A high-power four-channel tuning power amplifier board for car use Imported PA2030A four-channel tuning power amplifier board finished product for car use Channel power amplifier finished board imported components, chips guaranteed to be genuine, fever-grade sound quality, car mill power amplifier board, brick rescue power amplifier board, specializing in dumb machines! It is specially used for modification, and it can be used for family cars. There are a full set of spare parts for sale. There are 5532.Ad827 and opA2604 op amps. There are pre-stage tuning boards! The treble is transparent and bright, and the bass is strong and powerful.


Origin : Mainland China
